Gioconda design de interiores newsletter service involves the compilation of a list of email addresses of subscribers.
Gioconda design de interiores may not sell or transfer in any way such information and commits itself not to use them to their advantage. Your data will not be disclosed or exchanged, or passed to any other party and will only be used to send the newsletter. Only email from users subscribing to the newsletter will be part of the list of receivers of the same. The e-mail address will be provided voluntarily, by completing the mandatory fields present in the website.
The newsletter sent contains: information considered relevant by Gioconda design de interiores, for distribution electronically, periodically, whenever is considered appropriate. You may cancel receipt of the newsletter at any time by clicking on "remove", available in all sent newsletters. The process will automatically remove your email address from Gioconda design de interiores database, it will suspend immediately the electronic contacts.
The newsletter subscription DO NOT endorses any additional service of Gioconda design de interiores, neither you will receive information from other sources.
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